Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mexico City, East!

I'm so excited! My little bro. Dan got his mission call yesterday. We got it at around 11am but had to wait to open it 'till everyone else (family and friends) was available, which turned out to be around 8:30pm. We all had our guesses (I guessed Chile), but it was a shocker to hear Dan read, "Mexico City, Mexico, East mission." Wow! It almost seems like a no-brainer now that I think about it, but for some reason we thought it would be too obvious of a call so we had put that thought away a long time ago. Our living room filled with cheers and my mom started to cry and my dad's voice on the phone was full of emotion. Dan is the baby of the family and I think my parents' emotional state had something to do with that, but more significantly, Dan got called to serve not only in our home land, but in our family's very home city. He is going to serve "our people," we couldn't have asked for more.... Dan reports as Elder Lopez to the Provo MTC on September 16, 2008.

Thursday, May 8, 2008